Ranger educator

Monday, 16 February 2009

taking a day off

taking a day off to get myself and my Soul sorted, i'm a bit at drift and need to find harbour,and peace is this strange and painful world, come to terms with people who are the closest to my heart being the ones hurting me the most. own flesh and blood. but as i said, letting go, finding peace, not searching for guilt or reasons, wrongs or rights, just letting go, breathing, pulling the dagger out of my ego and letting my Soul know that i am far bigger than anything that can happen to me... i'm still breathing aren't i? well there you go! i'm off to a good start :-)

have a wonderful day! i'm sure going to try and have a beautiful day!


  1. hllo
    je blog ziet er terrug super uit

  2. mooie foto, straalt de rust uit die je nodig hebt!

  3. What a fabulous picture!! A beautiful way to let go and start fresh! Is that a place near where you live? Just breathtaking! I hope you find the peace you are seeking!

  4. Hope you're feeling better. The only way is up........ :-) Kate

  5. Goed zo meid. Even tot rust komen, heb je echt nodig. Sterkte.


Hi! thank you for taking time to comment on my blog. have a great day!